Feeling stuck? Lost? Flat?

TIRED OF DOING "EVERYTHING" for everyone but yourself?

UNFULFILLED DESPITE having the "perfect" life?

 i get it, i've been there too!

but in 2020 i completely transformed my life 
& you can too

reclaim your confidence, energy & joY - i'll show you how


Ladies, it's time to embrace your true potential 

I’m Adriana Shilton, a Female Clarity and Empowerment Coach, certified in Life and Relationship Coaching. I help women reclaim their authentic selves and reignite their passion for life through a transformative journey across Mind, Body, Heart, and Spirit.

Because too many women lose themselves to the never-ending needs and responsibilities of their family, household, community, and career. 

Constantly doing for others, we're too stressed and exhausted to truly appreciate our lives.  Depleted and disconnected from our true selves, we feel flat, unfulfilled, and unsure who we are anymore.

I know because I've been there too!  Losing myself trying to be the "perfect wife", in my multi-6 figure sales career, motherhood, and entrepreneurship.  But in 2020 I had a total transformation and you can too.  

As a Female Clarity & Empowerment Coach, I’m here to help you break free from this cycle - to embrace your true potential and elevate your life! 

this is female empowerment

You are not responsible for everyone & everything

It's time to love, honour, and respect yourself

I remember yelling at my husband, “Do you think I actually enjoy doing the laundry?!”, when he said I should instead prioritise a walk.    

Even though I had a newborn, I actually thought household responsibilities were more important than ME! And, felt so unappreciated and misunderstood!

But my husband was right, I just couldn't see it. Because when we neglect ourselves we seek achievement, validation, and self-worth externally. 

We people-please, care too much about our appearance, doubt ourselves, and condition others to over-depend on us just to feel needed and in control. 

At the same time, in our souls, we KNOW we are capable of more in this life!  More romantic and connected in our marriage, more patient and playful with our children, more engaged with our friends, community, and work. Whatever that looks like for you!

We want to elevate ourselves and our lives, but don’t know how or where to start.

That's where I come in! To remind you of WHO YOU ARE, to reconnect you to your ambition and authentic self. 

My coaching provides you with tailored strategies for self-discovery, personal development, and REAL growth using my coaching framework “Mind, Heart, Body, & Spirit”.  

You have all the potential for the life of your dreams, let's build it together. 

This is your opportunity for transformation - you deserve it!

take back your life

  • Do “everything” in your household
  • Little to no time for yourself
  • Unfulfilled, unmotivated, and stagnant
  • Overworked, under-appreciated, and exhausted
  • Struggle with self-criticism, doubt, and anxiety
  • Are unsure who you are outside your roles
  • Yearn for a change, but unsure what or how

What if it didn't have to be this way?

Let's be honest

Does this sound like you?

this was me too...  
and IT nearly destroyed my marriage! 

click below to read my miracle marriage transformation story

ps- I'm now a certified Relationship Coach in the method that 100% saved my marriage!!

my marriage transformation

We live in a magnificent world with unprecedented opportunities for women. Don’t let life pass you by—it's time to step into your full potential and embrace the gift of your life!

My 1:1 coaching program begins with CLARITY through a comprehensive questionnaire that identifies your priorities, goals, and focus areas across key aspects of your life.

Next comes EMPOWERMENT, where I craft a personalized curriculum tailored to your unique aspirations. Using a holistic framework of Mind, Body, Heart, and Spirit, each week builds upon the last.

Depending on your needs, we may explore:

  • Mind: Self-awareness, confidence, and addressing the past
  • Body: Energy management, fitness, and self-care.
  • Heart: Self-compassion, emotional well-being, and relationships
  • Spirit: Purpose and spirituality.

This transformative journey is about self-discovery, growth, and empowerment.

It’s time to elevate your life.

Craft your future vision and confidently step into it

Let's create the new you, the best you, the real you

my methodology

What will you choose?

Invest in your Mind, Heart, Body, and Spirit

We coach on the everyday struggles that drain, distract, & deter you from your path  

We coach on your specific goals
and aspirations,
to ignite your spirit
& feed your soul   

Increase your confidence and self-worth

 Improve ALL aspects of your life

I will teach you powerful life skills

We coach on the struggles that drain, distract, & deter you from your path  

We coach on specific goals and aspirations, to ignite your spirit & feed your soul   

Increase your confidence and self-worth

 Improve ALL aspects of your life

let's make magic

the soul work

My coaching is female empowerment đź’Ş - defying the social and patriarchal conditioning that teaches women to put themselves last.

I've been there - losing myself as the “perfect” wife, in my multi-6 figure sales career, motherhood, and entrepreneurship.

Seeking external reward and validation, feeling stressed, exhausted, resentful, and yearning for more personal depth. 

And, on the brink of divorce!

But I learned the profound value of prioritising myself and creating an intentional life.  Taking 100% responsibility for my happiness and self-worth.

I saved my marriage, and transformed my entire life.
Now I empower women to do the same - to develop, love, and honour our authentic selves. To get total clarity as we embrace our potential and create our best lives. 

About ME

Welcome to my mission of female empowerment

Let's do this!!

7 simple practices over 7 days
Gain clarity & perspective for your life 
Increase your self-love and confidence 

7 simple practices over 7 days
Increase your self-love & confidence

Start prioritising your wellbeing

Rediscover YOU 

free 7 Day email programme

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Adriana is a shining star! I felt such ease during our sessions. She does this in an open, loving and supportive way. It’s her magic. She helped me overcome a challenge I held on to for 30 years. In one hour I came further than any other method I've tried. She helped me tremendously in how I show up in my marriage. Both feet in. That feels amazing.

Adriana is a hugely talented coach. Her warmth and positivity instills hope. She always listens carefully and without judgment. She is insightful and knowledgeable with helpful suggestions, ideas, and advice in a way that is inspiring and empowering. She’s incredible, I recommend her to any woman wanting to bring about more happiness for themselves and in their relationship.


I always look forward to my sessions with Adriana. She is consistently interested in my journey and has the most incredible gift for deep listening. She hears every word I say, as well as messages that are unsaid. She understands my view, while gently expanding it in a most natural way. With her powerful questions, I discovered the confidence to seek what I most desired in various aspects of my life. Her way of being is simply delightful. 


I LOVE my coaching with Adriana! She’s incredible! She gives me so many things to ponder on. We talk about lots of things but one of them is exercising. What she shares inspires me, and guess what? I went on a hike for 2 hours today! I came back dripping with sweat and smiling from ear to ear!


Adriana is a very enthusiastic and encouraging coach. She presents ideas well and encourages me to do my best. I really get a lot of ideas from these sessions. It is a delight to work with you. Much appreciated.


Ready to reclaim
your life?

let's go