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It's time for
Intentional Living:
Take Back Control and
Create a Life You Love

I’m Adriana Shilton,
Certified Life & Relationship Coach, helping people reclaim their lives through intentional living

I’m Adriana Shilton,
Certified Life & Relationship Coach, helping people reclaim their lives through intentional living

Transform your life in just 12 weeks with my
1:1 Life Coaching programme: Intentional Living

Transform your life in just 12 weeks with my 1:1 Life Coaching programme: Intentional Living

start with your
free coaching session

Your life looks perfect on paper, so why aren't you happier?

Don’t let endless demands and busyness steal your life

You deserve more energy, joy, meaning, and fulfilment

Your life looks "perfect" on paper...

You’ve worked hard, achieved success, and have so much to be grateful for...

It’s the relentless pace of modern life, distracting you from what matters most 

It’s not you!

It’s not you!


so Why does it still feel like something’s missing?

but you sometimes feel flat, uninspired, and disconnected from yourself and others

the nonstop tasks, routines, and never-ending obligations have taken over your life....

Can you relate?

Sound familiar?
let's chat

It’s the relentless pace of modern life distracting you from what matters most  


You can break free, take charge of your life,

and feel alive again

You don’t have to stay stuck.

But here's the TRUTH:

My 12 week 1:1 Coaching Programme "Intentional Living" will take you on a transformational journey.

This is self-discovery and self-actualisation.

Learn how to live a more authentic, conscious, and intentional life by knowing who you are, what you want, and how to achieve it.

Feel more ALIVE with greater energy, confidence, happiness, success, and fulfilment.

My 12 week 1:1 Coaching Programme
"Intentional Living" will take you on a transformational journey.

This is self-discovery and self-actualisation.

Learn how to live a more authentic, conscious, and intentional life by knowing who you are, what you want, and how to achieve it.

Feel more ALIVE with greater energy, confidence, happiness, success, and fulfilment.

You are capable of more, you are meant for more

Let's focus your time and energy on what matters most 

I will guide you...

With the Power of Intention

Reconnect with WHO YOU TRULY ARE,
and design a life that reflects your deepest values, priorities, and dreams

Reconnect with WHO YOU TRULY ARE, and design a life that reflects your deepest values, priorities, and dreams

invest in yourself

get life-changing results in just 12 weeks

My 1:1 Life Coaching 

Intentional Living 


✔ Get clear on your values and priorities

✔ Move from autopilot to conscious living

✔ Set meaningful goals and take action

✔ Master weekly powerful life skills 

✔ Receive personalized 1:1 coaching

✔ Turn your vision into reality 

As your coach, I’ll help you step into your most powerful, authentic self and build a life you’re proud of

The Programme pillars for lasting transformation

  • CLARITY:  Start with your online Self & Life assessment 
  • SELF-AWARENESS:  Understand who you are, and want to become
  • VISION:  Decide what you want for your life, and WHY
  • FOCUS:  Choose 2-3 key areas for measurable progress
  • GROWTH:  Master a new life skill each week and how to apply it
  • PROGRESS:  Bring your challenges for personalized 1:1 coaching
  • CLARITY:  
    Start with your online Self & Life assessment 
    Understand who you are, and want to become
  • VISION:  
    Decide what you want for your life, and WHY
  • FOCUS: 
    Choose 2-3 key areas for transformation and measurable progress
  • GROWTH:  
    Master a new life skill each week and how to apply it
    Bring your challenges for personalized real-time coaching

jump to programme details 

My 12-week 1:1 Coaching Programme, 'Intentional Living', combines thought-provoking lessons, powerful questions, brain science, deep insights, and personalized coaching for building momentum, making meaningful progress, and creating lasting transformation

take the first step

  • Wake up with energy and excitement for the day
  • In control of your emotions 
  • Authentic and confident 
  • Grounded by structure, routines, and habits
  • Present and engaged with family, friends, and work
  • Growing as you pursue and achieve your own goals 
  • Full of gratitude and appreciation for your life

Imagine the New You:

take the first step with a free coaching call

Are you ready to become the best version of yourself?

are you ready?

Intentional Living

create the life of your dreams

using clarityfocus, & intention

Reflect deeply, set your goals, and then master the skills to turn your vision into reality

let's chat

If not now, when?

Your new life is waiting on the other side of a call

Adriana is a hugely talented coach. Her warmth and positivity instills hope. She always listens carefully and without judgment.

She is insightful and knowledgeable with helpful suggestions, ideas, and advice in a way that is inspiring and empowering.

She’s incredible, I recommend her to any woman wanting to bring about more happiness for themselves and in their relationship.


I always look forward to my sessions with Adriana. She is consistently interested in my journey and has the most incredible gift for deep listening. She hears every word I say, as well as messages that are unsaid.

She understands my view, while gently expanding it in a most natural way. With her powerful questions, I discovered the confidence to seek what I most desired in various aspects of my life. Her way of being is simply delightful. 


I LOVE my coaching with Adriana! She’s incredible! She gives me so many things to ponder on. We talk about lots of things but one of them is exercising.

What she shares inspires me, and guess what? I went on a hike for 2 hours today! I came back dripping with sweat and smiling from ear to ear!



Adriana is a shining star! I felt such ease during our sessions. She does this in an open, loving and supportive way. It’s her magic.

She helped me overcome a challenge I held on to for 30 years. In one hour I came further than any other method I've tried. She helped me tremendously in how I show up in my marriage. Both feet in. That feels amazing.

Adriana is a very enthusiastic and encouraging coach. She presents ideas well and encourages me to do my best.

I really get a lot of ideas from these sessions.

It is a delight to work with you. Much appreciated.



My Own Transformation

about me

In 2020, despite outward success - a glamorous London life, a French husband, and a multi-6-figure sales career - I felt disconnected and unfulfilled. Turning 40, a strained marriage, and the pandemic inspired me to do a Tony Robbins event that changed everything.  

Diving into personal development and coaching, I transformed my mind, body, career, and spirituality - and saved my marriage, going on to buy a new home and have a baby! 

After taking time off to raise my daughter and fully enjoy life, I've changed careers. I now empower people to become their BEST SELVES and create a life they love with my 12 week 1:1 Coaching and Intentional Living Programme. 

After taking time off to raise my daughter and fully enjoy life, I've changed careers.

I now empower people to become their BEST SELVES and create a life they love with my 12 week 1:1 Coaching and Intentional Living Programme. 

"What is my Intention"  is tatooed on my wrist!

"What is my Intention"  
is tatooed on my wrist!

Ultimately I took control of my happiness - reclaiming my energy, joy, and passion for life.  

I believe in the best version of you,
do you?

Ready to create an extraordinary life?

intentional living